Our Services

  • An orchestrated meeting of love with family or friends to convince the loved one help is needed. An intervention is a technique designed to address a loved one’s substance abuse problem and persuade the affected loved one to seek treatment. An intervention is employed when family members or friends see their loved one uncontrollably veering off course severely endangering themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually. An effective intervention also establishes healthy behaviors and limitations for family and friends’ interactions with their loved ones.

  • Instruction on how the affected family interacts with the loved one while the family engages in individual recovery. Addiction and mental health affects the entire family. The best outcome for the loved one occurs when the family is embarking on their own individual recovery while the loved one begins the journey outside of the home. By employing a family coach, the family can recover from the disease of addiction and untreated mental health, in an efficient and effective way with help navigating family recovery resources.

  • The world of treatment centers is confusing. Let’s find the right fit! The treatment for addiction and mental health is quite robust. While this is good news for the loved one as it can create a personalized experience, it often feels overwhelming for the family members and friends to navigate. It is helpful when a professional is hired to help with the decision on the best solution for the loved one. A professional has experience working with suggested treatment centers, has trusted relationships to individuals inside the treatment centers and understands the process of treatment and can look for any disruptions.

  • Assisting another to create long term recovery and safety. A recovery companion or “sober coach” helps to cement the long term recovery process. Typically, after a loved one returns from treatment, there is a gap between entering back into the world and fitting recovery into daily life. A recovery companion does just that…help the loved one implement actions for recovery into daily life so the foundation is built on cement rather than sand.

  • To assist transporting individuals safely from one point to the next in the recovery journey. Sober transport is essential when the loved one is entering treatment, departing from treatment or attending a life event when long term sobriety has not fully taken root in the loved one’s life. Sober transport ensures the loved one will arrive at their destination safely and in a sober fashion.